Friday, December 19, 2008


Well, the last three days (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) I got to stay home from school due to the bad weather. The boys and I had a lot of fun, including the first time I got to feed Jack his rice cereal (he just started eating rice cereal this past Sunday and loves it). Wednesday was also Mandy's birthday, so I think she was a little jealous that she had to work while we were all home playing.

Ethan and Jack also had check-ups last week (and a few shots). Jack is now 16 pounds and Ethan is 28 pounds. Apparently Jack is in the 75th percentile in all areas, and Ethan is growing taller every day.

I set up the video camera while I fed Jack his rice cereal, and took some other footage throughout the day...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I love Fridays....

I have been blessed to only have to work 4 days a week. I would love to be able to stay home all the time but since I can't...I'm thrilled to be home with my boys on Fridays. It's our day to do fun things that Mama is too tired to do when she gets home from fingerpainting. Here are some pictures from our day.

Thanksgiving 2008

Boy did we have so much to be thankful for this year!!! God has been very good! Nana, Grandad, Auntie Megan and Beth Anne came for the weekend. We had a great visit and a very nice Thanksgiving. Here are some pictures from our weekend....

Saturday, November 8, 2008


The big night finally arrived, and the weather was beautiful. We were able to go trick-or-treating in short sleeves, and Jack was able to go with us. We went trick-or-treating as soon as we could, and planned on getting back by dark in order to hand out candy to other ghosts and goblins. We ran in to a lot of neighbors who were trick-or-treating (don't worry - they were all okay), and didn't make it back home until well after dark. We still had several trick-or-treaters, and I must say that Ethan is the most generous candy hander-outter I have ever seen. We had to start rationing it a little bit, otherwise we would have run out after about 7 trick-or-treaters. He was kind of diappointed when it was all over for the evening. He kept checking the window to see if any more people were coming to our door. Between all of Ethan's Halloween events, he will definitely need some help consuming all of his candy. Ah, the sacrifices that parents must make for their kids!


Our local zoo hosts a "Boo at the Zoo" event during the weeks leading up to Halloween. We have a family membership to the zoo, so we were allowed to attend free of charge. The kids basically get to trick or treat around the zoo. We went the night before Halloween, and it was packed. Once we got in, Ethan had a good time. He even got to pet a blue-tongued skink, a box turtle, a rabbit and a Guinea pig while we were there. The old feller holding the skink told us all about it and showed Ethan his blue tongue (the skink's, not the old feller's). The man pointed to it, so Ethan decided to put his hand there too and got really close to its mouth. I thought the man was going to have a coronary. "Oh, don't pet his head!" he exclaimed. Clean up on aisle 7.

As we proceeded through the zoo, many of the people there kept saying "well hi Ethan!" I just assumed that they were people that Mandy knew, but after a while I started asking who people were. After three or four times, Mandy finally asked me why I thought she knew all of these people. I told her I just figured they were friends of hers because I didn't know them. It was at that exact moment that it hit me...oh, yeah, Ethan's name is on his trick-or-treating pumpkin. Mandy got a good laugh out of that one.


Well, the highly anticipated "Trunk or Treat" night at our church had finally arrived and all Ethan had to do was finish his Happy Meal. He insisted he was not hungry and was going to be sick if we made him eat any more. That boy is more and more like his papa every day. We just thought he was tricking us (it's been known to happen before), so we waited him out. He was very quiet on the way to the church building, until about a mile away when we heard that wonderful sound. Ethan decided it was finally time to purge himself of his chicken nuggets, milk and fries, topped off with the oranges he had for lunch that day. By the time we pulled off the highway and started catching the remnants in his trick or treat pumpkin, his entire monkey outfit, the car seat, the seat protector underneath the car seat, and the van seat itself were saturated in, well, there's really no word to properly describe it. We stripped his monkey suit off, and he was fine after that. Fortunately, he had clothes on underneath and we continued on to the festivities. Jack got a little toasty in his banana outfit, so he shed his costume rather soon after we got there as well. Ethan had a blast, and even got to get a tattoo! He also enjoyed telling anyone who would listen that he threw up because his mama made him eat too much.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ethan's First Pumpkin Carving

Baby Jack...

Just wanted to post a few more pictures of Baby Jack. He is getting so fast! He is now a pretty happy baby and is very easy going unless it's time to eat. He is very serious about eating and wants his bottle immediately after he has decided he is hungry.

My mom (Nana) came for a week...which was my first week back to work. Ethan & Jack had a great time with her and I certainly enjoyed her company and her help as I made the transition back into being a working mom.

Enjoy the pictures and check back soon for punkin' carvin' and Trunk or Treat!