Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Good Humor Man

Hello, this is Kyle here on Ethan's blog. Ethan heard the ice cream truck coming down the street the other day, and wanted to know what it was all about. We walked (I hobbled, he walked) down to the corner to stop the truck and make a frozen treat selection. Ethan finally pointed to what he wanted, which was a bomb pop popsicle. I told the guy , who asked "uh, which one?" I thought to myself, "What do you mean, 'which one?' What kind of good humor guy are you? Is this your first day on the job or what? A bomb pop is a bomb pop." So I pointed to the picture, he stuck his head out the window and looked at it, and then returned a few seconds later with some huge, Sears Tower sized popsicle about the same time that I realized I had ordered the ginormous $2.00 bomb pop instead of the $1.00 "bargain" model. Oh, well. We enjoyed it...

1 comment:

Davies Family said...

You know what's funny...your ice cream truck plays the same music as the TACO truck that drives through our neighborhood. Sid used to race to the window whenever she heard the music (not that she would ever eat a taco). I love that Ethan made you lick every color. :)